National Technical Committee

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Climate change poses a growing threat to Tanzania’s environment, livelihoods, and economic development. Forest ecosystems play a crucial role as carbon sinks, but deforestation and degradation contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. The loss of tropical forests accounts for approximately 18 to 20% of global annual anthropogenic carbon emissions. To combat this, various forest management and conservation practices are being implemented at local, national, and international levels.
In collaboration with REDD Carbon & Biodiversity Advisors and Livingway (URT) Ltd, the Government of Tanzania, through the Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) Agency, is spearheading the Tabora Carbon Credit Harvest and Purchase Programme. Our core vision revolves around forest conservation, reducing emissions, and mitigating climate change and its impacts. Guided by national policies and strategies, including the National REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan, our programme aligns with the growing global forest carbon trade market.

Our Goal
The establishment of the National Technical Committee aims to ensure the effective implementation of the Tabora Carbon Credit Programme. This committee provides vital technical expertise to support the programme’s smooth coordination, planning, implementation, and monitoring, enabling us to achieve our targets successfully.

The National Technical Committee comprises representatives from key government ministries, agencies, departments, and research institutions. The committee’s composition may expand to include additional expertise necessary for programme implementation. Institutions represented in the National Technical Committee include:
• Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) Agency (Chair)
• President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government Authorities (Co-Chair)
• Vice President’s Office (Secretary)
• Ministry of Finance
• Ministry of Community Development
• Ministry of Energy
• Ministry of Industries and Trade
• Forestry and Beekeeping Division
• Ministry of Agriculture
• Ministry of Livestock
• Ministry of Land, Housing and Human Settlement Development
• National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC)
• Regional Natural Resources Advisor
• TFS Western Zonal Manager
Other institutions, such as TANAPA, TAWA, universities, and the Land Use Commission, may be invited based on the agenda and needs of the committee.

Modalities of Work
The National Technical Committee operates as follows:
• Chaired by the Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) Agency, with the Division of Environment, Vice President’s Office serving as the Secretary. The Secretariat is provided by REDDCOP/Livingway.
• Regular quarterly meetings and working sessions to discuss plans and budgets for programme activities related to carbon trade.
• Reporting progress to the National Steering Committee and ensuring policy and legal considerations are incorporated into the programme implementation.
• Active involvement in policy and technical aspects of the Carbon Credit Programme.
• Facilitation of the committee’s functions through the Tanzania Forest Service (TFS).

The National Technical Committee’s proposed activities include:
• Developing a strategy to coordinate Carbon Credit Programme activities within the government system.
• Establishing an effective mechanism for coordination of programme activities.
• Conducting institutional mapping of relevant stakeholders for programme implementation.
• Assisting in identifying policy and legal issues to be addressed by the National Steering Committee.

Time Frame
The National Technical Committee will serve for a period of three years, with the possibility of extension.


Become a Volunteer!

Join us in our mission to protect and preserve Tabora’s forests, empower local communities, and combat climate change. Together, we can build a brighter future, one where sustainable development and the well-being of both people and our planet thrive in harmony.

Connect with our team today! Call us on +255 222 863 669